Please complete the two forms that are part of your application:
- Mars Ambassador Program application
- Line Manager Approval Form
Both must be completed by Thursday, May 1, 2025 (5pm eastern). We recommend requesting a Line Manager recommendation as soon as you begin the application, so they have time to complete the form before May 1.
Scope of Work: Applicants should carefully review the Scope of Work to confirm that you are able to meet all work/skill requirements; that you are comfortable with the proposed activities, itinerary, and any noted considerations; and that you are available for the specified dates.
Note on travel costs: Please note that in most cases all travel costs associated with an in-person assignment are to be covered by the Associate’s cost center. This can be classified as T&E, training or other classification that your Line Manager deems appropriate. All assignments specify estimated costs.
For the Petcare segment, if local cost centers are unable to support MAP travel, a central budget has been set aside to provide assistance. Please contact Annette Jennings for further information.
For technical questions about the application process, please email